We are going on a cruise lasting 106 days, and hopefully we will see quite a bit of the world in the process!!!We are looking forward to sharing a few moments with you

Sunday, 18 March 2012

on the way to Bora Bora

Saturday 17th of March and Saturday 17th of March 2012

Well we are at sea in the Pacific Ocean and we have a couple more days before we get to Bora Bora. However, it may be good at this time to bring you up to date with what we do on sea days. Today today and yesterday yesterday was special! No! there is no double statement mistake here or in the title. Today for us was Saturday the 17th of March and yesterday was also Saturday the 17th of March. Two Saturdays for the price of one as it were! That’s because we have passed over the international dateline and whereas we were yesterday 12 hours in front of home, now we are 12 hours behind you!

The days at sea are still very full and interesting, the music is great and the lectures are also very good. In the past month we have had lectures on forensic science, travelling around the world as people 100’s of years did, weather forecasting, Nelson and Lord Cochraine, history of Philippines, and many many more.

The Black Watch orchestra is still absolutely brilliant and the other ensembles around the ship are equally good and entertaining.

The food is wonderful, the staff are just brilliant and friendly and altogether along with the various activities (Suuske has taken up “Line Dancing”) we are having a great time.

The action of the Pacific is very much different to other Oceans. The rolling seas are quite surprising and sometimes take one by surprise. We have had some rain on this leg of the voyage but mostly the sun shines and it is really hot.

We have few more Pacific Islands to visit before we get to Peru so you will hear from us in a few days from Bora Bora.


hair picture for anthony


  1. happy mothers day! xxx hairs looking good :-) xx

  2. Looking good Mum! An excuse to visit the South Pacific every weekend?
