We are going on a cruise lasting 106 days, and hopefully we will see quite a bit of the world in the process!!!We are looking forward to sharing a few moments with you

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Bora Bora


Monday 20th of March 2012

Bora Bora! Here we are in one of the most lovely of the South Pacific French Polynesian islands. No Harbour but we are anchored in a beautiful lovely lagoon and we have a tender to land.

Suuske this morning went on a trip which, ….wait for it …involved swimming with Sting Rays and feeding sharks. I didn’t go because I might have been fed to the sharks as well! She really did enjoy it and then went on to snorkel on a coral reef. One hears about the South Sea Islands and we see pictures of waving palms and super beaches with sunshine. Well it’s nothing like that; it’s better! The greenery is indescribable, the climate is so hot but enjoyable, the Pacific is blue blue blue and the hills and mountains spectacular and the people are really wonderful and friendly.  I can’t see us returning here so we feel so lucky to be able to see these Islands for real and not just on films and posters etc.

Tahiti is next stop tomorrow and we are looking forward to it with great anticipation. Gaughan, Captain Bligh, Charles Darwin are among those who have travelled before us to Tahiti. It should be memorable.



  1. Lovely to read your updates & look at the photographs. What a memorable time you are having!! Missing you here in the West Midlands!!

  2. Looks amazing!
    When do you go over the time zone back in time to 'yesterday?' My friend was asking if you get jet leg from the transition?
